This blog contains graphic material which may be disturbing to naturalists.
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This blog is intended for the purpose of graphically depicting the natural beauty of Oatka Creek Park through the seasons of the year. Until recently, this park has had very limited development within its boundaries with the exception of a lodge and surrounding mowed open playing field for random events such as disorganized softball games, frisbee throwing, pitching of tents for Boy Scout activities and other similar events which find the natural setting of this park the primary attraction. The only other developed areas within the park are the trails though "old field" and "shrub upland" which would otherwise close up without some occasional attention and would make walking there a major endeavor.
The really beautiful trails are those within the deciduous forested areas where simply walking on the trails maintains them without human intervention.
This park therefore has a relatively low cost of ownership since it does not require extensive maintenance to keep it functional as a gem for horseback riding, walking on trails, nature photography, fishing, wading in the creek, walking of dogs, bird-watching, geocaching, picnicking, and all the sorts of things that most people seek when they have little more than a small yard with perhaps just a few trees and would like to escape to an unspoiled natural wonderland.
The "Friends of Oatka Park" is the owner of this blog and firmly protest the intended development which has started here at the main park entrance to construct two soccer fields. This proposal as with many actions, has a simple origin and was not unreasonable initially. The Scottsville Athletic Association encountered difficulty getting playing fields during the peak times when everyone wanted a soccer field at the same time. For various reasons fields seemed to be scarce. Some investigation into that aspect has yielded a considerable number of fields which will be available from now on.
Since there initially appeared to be a need for more soccer fields, the Town of Wheatland made some unsuccessful attempts to locate and construct fields in more developed places around the town but did not materialize any results. This next led to inquiries to the Monroe County Parks Department through internal political connections and Oatka Creek Park looked like a site for the project.
It was the back-room deals out of public view or citizen input which "Friends of Oatka Park" most greatly detests. The process or "lack of process" to date, regarding this soccer fields project kept only the interested parties informed until the project was underway and obvious to nearby residences and park users. When the machinery for discussing needs and solving problems is run properly in the open, and appropriate citizens are informed, it is generally possible to achieve acceptable solutions. It is the back room and under the table tactics which make most citizens skeptical of government and distrusting of what has now been reported as a wonderful resource for all of Monroe County.
I am reminded of the amusing parallel of George W. Bush, then president, commending the Director of FEMA after the Katrina disaster in New Orleans, "Brownie", with the blessing: "Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job!"
When I received my formal response from our Monroe County Executive regarding this issue, I could hear her commendation to the Director of Monroe County Parks Department: "Larry, you're doing a heck of a job".
The "Friends of Oatka Park" would like to see this project permanently stopped and the "already raped site" restored to some semblance of its original condition perhaps nurtured along the way with extensive reseeding of wild flowers or other appropriate vegetation which make the park entrance attractive again rather than an eye sore. This would avoid a guaranteed future cost of ownership as well as a perpetual nuisance during soccer season.